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by: Mel C. Siff, Ph.D.



    For newcomers to this forum, these P&Ps are Propositions, not facts or
    dogmatic proclamations. They are intended to stimulate interaction among users
    working in different fields, to re-examine traditional concepts, foster
    distance education, question our beliefs and suggest new lines of research or
    approaches to training. We look forward to responses from anyone who has
    views or relevant information on the topics.


    The relevance of muscle fibre types to the production of speed or power may be
    overstated and misdirected.


    It is commonly believed that a predominance of a certain type of muscle fibre
    in any given muscle group determines whether an individual will be genetically
    endowed for either endurance or power/speed activities. While it is also
    suggested that training may cause some change in the way in which any given
    type of fibre may behave and that there may be a dynamic spectrum of fibre
    types along a continuum between two extremes (ST and FT), it is fairly well
    accepted that one must have a large percentage of fast twitch FTb (Type IIb)
    fibres in order to produce rapid or powerful movements.

    In other words, the ability to generate maximal speed or power is assumed to
    depend primarily on the proportion of FTb fibres, which implies conversely
    that someone who is slow twitch (ST) dominant will not be able to produce
    great speed or power.


    Before these assumptions can be analysed it is necessary to examine the
    hypothesis that speed of limb movement is directly related to the intrinsic
    speed of contractile ability of a group of certain muscle fibres. Are we
    justified in making this assumption? If a given muscle group, say, the
    quadriceps contain a predominance of FTb fibres, does it mean that leg
    extension necessarily will be fast and powerful?

    Similarly, since gastrocnemius tends to be largely FT in nature, does it mean
    that this makes for faster, more powerful plantarflexion and that the
    dominantly ST soleus muscle does not produce rapid or powerful plantarflexion?

    To answer these questions, we have to analyse the factors which determine
    speed of joint movement:

    • the type of mechanical lever involved
    • the lengths of the levers involved
    • the neural processes involved (activating, inhibiting and disinhibiting)
    • the types of muscle fibre involved
    • the cross-sectional area and strength of the muscles involved
    • the contribution of ballistic or elastic processes
    • the effect of mass, structure and distribution of connective tissues
    • the position of the joint
    • the range of joint action involved
    • the pattern of movement
    • the weight of the limb or implement involved

    We will note that it is not simply a matter of muscle fibre speed of
    contraction which determines speed of joint rotation. There are several other
    important factors involved, some of which may even be more important than
    muscle fibre type.

    In the interests of length of commentary, this P&P focuses primarily on the
    relevance of biomechanical, rather than neural factors involved. Anyone
    responding to this P&P is also welcome to address the effect of any of the
    other factors summarized above.


    There is a very important biomechanical reason why muscle fibre type may be
    misapplied with respect to the production of fast limb movement. In order to
    move, the body consists of a system of different types of lever, some of which
    are intended to act as speed levers and others which are intended to be force

    To recap, a lever system with a fulcrum in between the load and the effort,
    like two children on either ends of a seesaw is called a Class 1 lever. If
    the load lies between the effort and the fulcrum, as in the case of the
    wheelbarrow, this is called a Class 2 lever. The remaining lever, with the
    effort exerted between the fulcrum and the load, is called a Class 3 lever.

    Virtually all levers in the human body are either Class 1 or Class 3, with
    Class 3 being the most prevalent. Now, Class 2 levers are always force levers
    and Class 3 levers are always speed levers, which means that most joints in
    the body involve speed leverage. Speed levers are characterised by large
    efforts acting through short distances on short lever arms to move loads
    acting on longer lever arms through large distances. Thus, small movements of
    a muscle can move a limb or added load through a large distance at speed,
    regardless of whether the fibres involved are fast or slow.

    Interestingly, for a joint to act as a speed lever system, the muscle has to
    produce a large force, so that we may conclude that the majority of joints
    necessitate the production of large muscle force or tension (since most of our
    joints are Class 3 or speed levers), but not necessarily the production of
    very fast contractions of some special FT fibres.

    Since the lever arm lengths and effective angle of muscle pull change with
    joint angle, relative positions of all joints involved and range of movement,
    overall leverages and involvement of synergistic muscles change. Therefore,
    it would appear to be a vast oversimplification to suggest that speed of
    movement is determined by only one dominant set of conditions and that these
    are provided by a single muscle group having a large enough proportion of FT

    The nature of the lever systems involved suggest that FT fibres exist to
    provide large forces over certain phases of joint angle so that other types of
    fibre can operate under their most advantageous conditions, namely endurance
    or prolonged posture. So, it might be preferable to think, as is sometimes
    the case, of FT fibres being large force, rapid fatiguing muscles rather than
    fibres which are intended primarily for speed production.

    The existence of what some scientists consider to be a dynamic continuum of
    fibre types would be consistent with the idea this would offer a smooth, non-
    jerky sequential contribution of each fibre type to movement over the full
    range of any joint, particularly in compound movements involving several

    Obviously, a favourable genetic component of location of muscle insertions,
    limb lengths and masses, and effective lever lengths may readily overpower any
    disadvantage caused by a somewhat disadvantageous proportion of FT fibres.


    All muscle fibre activation is via the nerves, so that the most fundamental
    determinant of movement speed is nervous activation, be it patterned
    intentional action or reflexive protective reflex. Though there is evidence
    that muscle fibre type depends on the speed of nerve fibre feeding a given
    nerve, the rapidity with which reflexive joints actions occur indicates that
    any group of fibres, irrespective of type, can produce very fast joint action.
    This observation might be countered remarks that this explosive type of brief
    activation is due solely to activation of FT fibres. However, very rapid
    reflexive action also takes place in ST.

    Some deficits in proportion of FT fibres may be compensated for by changes in
    joint positioning or carryover effects from actions in other joints which
    produces momentum (or kinetic energy) which can speed up subsequent actions
    involving other joints.

    Increasing the relative strength of any given group of muscles should also
    enable those muscles to overcome initial inertia and accelerate the limb or
    load more rapidly than if the muscle were weaker.

    If one does not have the recommended preponderance of FT fibres , then
    individual modification of one's technique to ensure more favourable leverages
    to move the body or a load more rapidly may be perfectly adequate to
    compensate for such inadequacies.


    Much more evaluation of the theories concerning fibre type and speed
    capabilities may be derived from that list of factors itemised above, but the
    preceding discussion suggests that this theory certainly warrants some
    dissection. On the practical side, it has been noted that some of the world's
    top marathon runners run the closing 100m of a marathon in less than 12
    seconds and even in normal sprint events can complete 100m in some 11 seconds,
    which is by no means slow for someone whose slow-twitching locomotor muscles
    are supposed to limit him to fairly geriatric pace over short distances.

    Has undue emphasis been placed on relating speed of movement to proportion of
    certain fast twitch fibres or is this emphasis thoroughly substantiated by
    research and practice? Should the label 'fast twitch' be discarded and
    replaced by one which emphasizes the fatigue resistance or force generating
    nature of these fibres instead? Do some of the questions posed earlier imply
    that muscle biopsy testing is more of academic than practical value? Some
    coaches even maintain that fibre typing is generally a waste of time - are
    they justified in adopting this rather harsh assessment of the situation?

Try to resolve this paradox by drawing on appropriate references or your own research.

CONTRIBUTIONS FROM YOU?   If anyone else comes across similar magazine articles filled with other F&F's or P&P's, please share them with us - they can often serve as a valuable teaching tool for fitness professionals. You can send your contributions directly to Dr. Siff at
msiff@hertz.mech.wits.ac.za or at his postal address at:

Dr Mel C Siff
School of Mechanical Engineering
University of the Witwatersrand
WITS 2050 South Africa

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