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Editorial Staff

Cyber Sport E-zine brings together the most important components that Sports Medicine practicioners, researchers and academicians really want to see in a single website: All this material is conveniently organized into four distinct sections. The format is designed with biomechanists, physicians and other health professionals, athletes and coaches, biotechnologists, scientists, researchers and academicians in mind.
picture Gideon B. Ariel, Ph.D.
Publisher & Webmaster

M. Ann Penny, Ph.D.

John D. Probe
Associate Editor

Mel C. Siff, Ph.D.
Associate Editor

Al Finch, Ph.D.
Associate Editor

Bob Wainwright, P.T.
Associate Editor

picture Contact Us
Ariel Dynamics, Inc.

We would appreciate contributions from our visitors if they have articles or writings which may be of interest in the generals fields of Sport, Athletics, Biomechanics Exercise and Training. Please write
The Webmaster or use this Form to give us some feedback. We value your comments and suggestions as to how we may improve this site or alter it more to your liking.

NOTICE: The views and opinions expressed by participants in this discussion group are those of their own and do not necessarily reflect that of the management and staff that oversee this website. Scientific information, and conclusions derived therefrom, submitted by contributors are to be taken on their own merit. Publication of such material on this website does not necessarily constitute endorsement or recommendation from the Editorial Staff of this magazine.


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