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The Ariel Computerized Exercise System (ACES)
Product Catalog and Technical Information

If it's good enough for the President .... It's good enough for you !!


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Multi-Function 6000 Arm/Leg 6000

Bench-Press Exercise Squat Exercise


The World's Only Computerized
Exercise Machine

See the Overview of the ACES 6000

No other computerized exercise system adjusts to the patient to ensure, optimum programming and safety,
but rather having the patient adjust to the system.

For the first time, you can now use high technology to manage and control your exercise system.

See a complete Technical Description

The following presentation describes the Implementation of the ACES at NASA

The following are a summary of the features and benefits of the ACES product line.

The Ariel ACES 6000 Operating System
uniquely controls, records, evaluates, and modifies functional performance
with programmed parameters that are user defined.

Specific Models

CES 5000 Back

bulletThe Ariel CES 5000 Back is ergonomically designed for lumbar extension and abdominal flexion . It specifically isolates the abdominal-lumbar areas with simple adjustments.
bulletThe Ariel Back is easy to use. Electric motors adjust the seat to its optimum position, allowing quick and efficient patient positioning.
bulletLumbar extension and abdominal flexion can be tested, quantified and exercised independently.
bulletThe Ariel Back has an adjustable range of motion and programmable stops, which allow specific safety in testing and rehabilitation according to patient needs.
bulletA minimal equipment footprint reduces space requirements.
bulletIt is designed for additional attachments, such as lift testing and lateral back flexion/extension.
bulletProtocols can be designed to mimic specific lifting situations.

CES 5000 Multi-Function

bulletThe Ariel CES 5000 Multi-Function allows closed kinetic chain testing and rehabilitation. Multi-joint whole body, lower and upper torso exercises, such as squats or bench presses, can be performed objectively and quantified. It can be used bilaterally and unilaterally for over twenty-five exercises.
bulletThe Ariel Multi-Function allows the testing and reconditioning of an entire extremity in a functional mode, and can be applied to a total body reconditioning exercise program in conjunction with individual joint treatment. No attachments are necessary.
bulletThe Ariel Multi-Function allows for versatile and flexible work hardening.
bulletProtocols can be designed to mimic specific work situations such as dynamic lifting or sport activities such as vertical jumping.
bulletA built in lift task test format, correlated to the NIOSH Test database, is available.

CES 5000 Arm-Leg

bulletThe Ariel CES 5000 Arm-Leg is designed for isolated, single joint movements of the knee, elbow, shoulder and ankle. It can also be used for multi-joint exercises.
bulletIt allows either unilateral or bilateral joint testing without repositioning the patient.
bulletThe Arm-Leg has infinite seat adjustments for precise joint positioning. Attachments are available for versatile applications.
bulletAn active extremity can control the movement of the contralateral extremity in a passive manner.
bulletA minimal equipment footprint reduces space requirements.

Check here how it is used in one of our customer location

Reference Material on ACES

The most comprehensive information on the Ariel Computerized Exercise System (ACES)

bulletPrinciples of Resistive Training
Symposium on Olympic Sports Medicine Clinics in Sports Medicine-Vol. 2, No. 1, March 1983 Resistive Training; pp. 55-69. Gideon B. Ariel, Ph.D.*

*President, Coto Research Center, Trabuco Canyon, California, Chairman, Biomechanics Committee, Sports Medicine Council, United States Olympic Committee (1976-1984).

bulletMuscles in Action
Muscle and Joint movement-University of Michigan

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