Force Plate Categories
How to create a force plate fileKistler Model #9286AAThis example illustrates the procedure for creating an analog file for a single Kistler force platform (Model #9286AA) in English units (Length = Inches, Force = Pounds).
NOTE: Entries marked with an asterisk (*) indicate that these numbers may vary depending on the particular user application. 1. From the main APAS Analog menu, select FILE, NEW to create a new *.ANA file. Select the Drive and Directory where the file will be located. Then enter the file name and select the OPEN button to proceed. (NOTE: In this example, the file has been named KIST9286.ana). 2. Use the Parameter Bar to set the following parameters: Last Channel (LastCh): H1 (8 channels total) Trigger Channel (TrigCh): E1 (Trigger from the Z force)* Period: 5 seconds* Sample Rate (Rate/Ch): 1000 samples/second/channel* Trigger Level (TrigLev): 25 lbs* Pre-Trigger Percent (PreTrig%): 10%* 3. Select OPTIONS, CHANNELS to specify the Channel Information for the active analog channels. Description: Channel description or name. Units: Units to be displayed on analog data outputs. Unit/Volt: Conversion factor used to calculate analog signals. Offset: Signal level in volts corresponding to zero in the units of that channel. 4. Select OPTIONS, PLATES, KISTLER to activate the software drivers for the KISTLER force platform.
Length Units: Inch* Force Units: Lbs* #Plates: One* 1st Plate Channel: A1* Model: 9286A Transducer Separations: x: 35cm/13.78in y: 55cm/21.65in Transducer Depth z: 2.2cm / 0.866in Width: 40cm/15.75 inches Length: 60cm/23.62 inches X/Y Setting: 250 Nt* Z Setting: 2500 Nt* 5. Select OK to Calculate Plate Conversion Factors. This will automatically update the Units/Volt entry in the Channel Information Table.
Click in the 1st column for Channel C1 (Z direction force) Click in the 2nd column for Channels A1 and B1 (X and Y direction Forces) Click in the 3rd column for Channels D1, E1 and F1 (X, Y, Z Moments) This will automatically update the Offset entry in the Channel Information Table.