For those who may be curious, here is a little selection of some of these
training fallacies that we often encounter in the world of sports and fitness
training.  Check to see how many of these you bump into in your gym or
training magazines.

This selection is taken from the book Siff M C "Facts and Fallacies of
Fitness", whose contents appear at:
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/8682/siff.htm">http://www.geocitie


*  People who exercise regularly live longer and more healthily than average
*  The fundamental forms of muscle contraction are isotonic, isometric and
*  The three types of muscle contraction are concentric, isometric and
*  Isotonic exercise is the dominant form of muscle contraction in dynamic
*  Isotonic muscle contraction is another name for dynamic muscle contraction
*  Isometric exercise is generally a waste of time and tends to slow you down
*  Slow movements tend to selectively recruit the slow twitch muscle fibres
*  Eccentric training always causes more muscle soreness than concentric
*  Muscle tension is always greatest during eccentric contraction
*  Heavy eccentric training always tends to cause delayed muscle soreness
*  One can lift the greatest loads with eccentric muscle action
*  Perfect practice makes perfect
*  Stiffness and soreness are caused by lactic acid build-up

*  All ballistic movements are potentially harmful 
*  Never lock the knees completely during any standing exercise
*  Avoid all back exercises if your back is sore or injured
*  A major cause of heart disease is lack of aerobic exercise
*  Aerobic exercise is the most effective form of cardiovascular training 
*  Cardiovascular exercise is the most effective way of reducing bodyfat
*  Aerobic training is excellent for reducing overall stress in the body
*  Aerobic exercise is an excellent form of cross training for all sport 
*  Aerobics classes generally improve overall fitness 
*  The knees should never project ahead of the toes during any exercises
*  It is harmful to  lock the knees completely during squatting or aerobics

*  Strength training does not play any meaningful role in improving endurance
*  Circuit training provides all-round aerobic and anaerobic conditioning
*  Strong and large muscles protect the joints better than smaller muscles
*  Heavy weight training reduces flexibility and speed
*  Heavy resistance training increases your blood pressure
*  Heavy weight training makes you bulky
*  Light weight training is always safer than heavy weight training
*  Each given exercise uses exactly the same muscle groups each time it is
*  The weight remains the same in all free weights exercises 
*  Strict exercises work you more effectively than cheated exercises
*  Muscle hypertrophy cannot be produced by few repetitions with heavy weights
*  Increasing strength will increase power and speed

*  The stomach should be pulled in during situps 
*  The stomach should be pulled in during all exercises in order to stabilise
the trunk
*  It is important to 'keep the back straight' during all exercise 
*  Supporting the head with the hands during situps reduces neck strain
*  It is essential to warm up  before all exercise
*  Aerobic exercise offers the best way of warming up before training
*  Stretching and flexibility exercises are the same
*  Stretching always reduces the risk of injury
*  Ballistic stretches should never be done
*  Static stretches are the safest and most effective form of stretching
*  Static stretching during the cool down reduces injury rate
*  Stretching should always be done with relaxed muscles
*  PNF is a special form of stretching
*  Plenty of situps must be done to protect the back 

*  All types of squat are really much the same
*  It is dangerous to lock the knees at the end of a squat or leg press
*  Low rep heavy weight training develops strength and little hypertrophy
*  Leg curls are the best and safest exercise for developing the hamstrings
*  Good mornings are always dangerous for the back
*  Seated back extension machines are safer than cleans, deadlifts or prone
*  Power cleans should not be done by the average client
*  Prone hyperextensions are executed primarily by use of the erector spinae
*  Special isolation exercises must be used to rehabilitate the rotator cuff
*  Seated resistance exercises are safer than their standing equivalents
*  Any form of ballistic bench pressing is dangerous
*  Standing heel raises must be done with the knees locked for best calf

*  Standing calf raises isolate the gastrocnemius; seated calf raises isolate
the soleus
*  Box squats are always dangerous
*  Heavy weight training slows you down
*  All plyometric exercises are harmful and should never be used in training
*  Plyometrics is a method of training which uses  jumping , throwing and
*  Plyometric training is always necessary to improve speed
*  Plyometric exercises play no role in safely improving any form of fitness
*  Plyometric depth jumps should be done on a soft surface
*  Upper body plyometrics can be done by throwing and catching heavy medicine
*  The mathematical computations in periodization make training an exact
*  Dumbbell lateral raises above the horizontal are dangerous for the
shoulder joint
*  Bicep curls generally isolate and develop the arm biceps
*  Lat pulldowns behind the neck are always dangerous
*  Very slow resistance training is always safer and more productive
*  Single set training is always just as effective as multi-set training
*  Hanging from a pullup bar stretches the spine after training

*  The most expensive shoes offer the best form of protection for the body
*  Aerobic shoes reduce the risk of injury to the body
*  Seated leg extension exercises are safer for the knees than squats
*  Leg press and hack squat machines place less stress on the back than squats
*  Leg curls offer the best form of hamstring training
*  Knee rehabilitation is safer and more effective with knee extensions than
*  Machine training is inherently safer than free  weight training
*  Machine exercises train you in the same way as their free weights
*  A lifting belt directly supports and protects the back
*  Frequent use of a lifting belt weakens the trunk muscles
*  Frequent use of joint wraps weakens the muscles
*  Elastic band exercise offers an effective alternative to weight training 
*  Physio or Swiss Ball training is the best way of improving balance

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