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Articles about Dr. Gideon
Gideon B. Ariel, Ph.D. - Selected presentations
| Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education and
Recreation: International. Sports, 1969,1970. |
| Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education and
Recreation: Anabolic steroids and their effect on human performance, 1971. |
| The effect of anabolic steroid upon reflex components.
Exercise Physiology Group, Springfield College, 1971. |
| Computerized biomechanical analysis of human motion.
Dartmouth College Clinic, April, 1971. |
| Biomechanical analysis for track and field, computerized.
United States Track Coaches Association Spring Clinic and Meetings, May, 1972. |
| Effect of anabolic steroids on selected physiological
parameters. American College of Sports Medicine, May, 1972. |
| Computerized biomechanical analysis of human motion.
International Congress of Track and Field, Madrid, Spain, 1973. |
| Computerized biomechanical analysis of pole vaulting.
Scientific Congress, Olympic Games, Munich, Germany, 1972. |
| Biomechanical principles of human performance. The Detroit
News Track Coaches Clinic, Detroit, 1973. |
| Lasting effect of anabolic steroid upon muscular force.
American College of Sports Medicine, Washington, 1973. |
| Computerized biomechanical analysis of human performance in
track and field athletics. Winter track and Field Clinic, Chicago, 1973. |
| MAHPER Workshop in Movement Education for Elementary
Physical Education Teachers, Amherst, 1972. |
| Lasting effects of anabolic steroids. Sports Medicine and
Exercise Physiology Symposium, Northeastern University, Boston, 1972. |
| Computerized biomechanical analysis of Olympic performance.
Olympic Congress, Mainz, Germany, 1973. |
| Computerized biomechanical analysis of motion biology. First
International Symposium on Problems of Motion-Biology, Budapest, Hungary, 1973. |
| Computerized biomechanical analysis of human performance for
sports and athletics. Symposium on Mechanics and Sports, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Nov.,
1973. |
| Computerized biomechanical analysis of human performance.
U.S., Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, May 21, 1973. |
| Application of biomechanical principles to the throwing
events. United States Track Coaches Association Annual Spring Meeting, Baton Rouge,
Louisiana, June, 1973. |
| Computerized biomechanical analysis of the knee joint during
deep knee bend with heavy load. Fourth International Seminar on Biomechanics, the
Pennsylvania State University, August, 1973. |
| Computer applications in biomechanical analysis of human
performance in sport and industry. 1st Congress Canadian Sport et Activite Physique,
Montreal, Canada, Oct., 1973. |
| Minimizing athletic performance. Track and Field Conference,
Athens, Greece, Oct. 1973. |
| Computer application to track and field athletics. Finnish
Amateur Athletic Association, Helsinki, Finland, Nov., 1973. |
| Computer application to analyzing human performance. The
U.S. Coaches Association Clinic, San Francisco, 1973. |
| Nutrition and sport. NCAA Indoor Clinics, Detroit, 1974. |
| Mechanical analysis of the throwing events. NCAA Outdoor
Clinics, Austin, Texas, 1974. |
| Computer analysis of human movement. 7th Annual Sports
Medicine Seminar, Seattle, Washington, 1974. |
| Mini-symposium on computers in sports medicine - intra-articular forces and stresses in the knee joint during the deep-knee bend. American
College of Sports Medicine, Knoxville, Tennessee, 1974. |
| Biomechanical and neuromuscular aspects of sprinting,
jumping and throwing in track and field. American College of Sports Medicine, Knoxville,
Tennessee, 1974. |
| Computerized biomechanical analysis of human performance.
Twentieth World Congress in Sports Medicine, Melbourne, Australia, 1974. |
| Biomechanical principles applied to the design of
rehabilitation exercise apparatus. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Atlanta,
Georgia, 1974. |
| Biomechanical analysis of human locomotion. Organizational
Meeting, Medical Subcommittee of ASTM Committee F-13 on Safety and Traction of Footwear,
Philadelphia, Sept. 18. 1974. |
| Biomechanical consideration in the design of exercise
equipment. The 1st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Biomechanics, Alberta,
Edmonton, Sept. 30, 1974. |
| Research requirements for footwear and/or working surfaces.
National Institute for Occupational Safety, NIOSH, Washington D.C., May 30, 1974. |
| Computer applications to human performance. Visiting Scholar
Western Michigan University, March 12, 1975. |
| Biocybernetic of human performance. Visiting Scholar Western
Michigan University, March 12, 1975. |
| Specificity of training for track and field. High School
Track Coaches Clinic, Detroit, March 14, 1975. |
| Specificity of training for throwing events. High School
Track Coaches Clinic, Detroit, March 14, 1975. |
| Biomechanical considerations in the construction of athletic
equipment. American Association of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Atlantic
City, March 17, 1975. |
| Quantitative Evaluation of biomechanics to strength and
power development. 8th Annual Sports Medicine and Conditioning Seminar, Seattle, March 22,
1975. |
| Application of biomechanics to strength and power
development. 8th Annual Sports Medicine and Conditioning Seminar, Seattle, March 22, 1975. |
| Latest research findings in athletic conditioning. Southwest
District AAMPER Conference, Albuquerque, April 18, 1975. |
| The biomechanics of athletic shoe. American College of
Sports Medicine, New Orleans, May 23, 1975. |
| Biomechanical considerations in the design of rehabilitation
exercise equipment. American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, New Orleans, July
28, 1975. |
| Computerized biomechanical analysis of athletic shoe. Fifth
International Congress of Biomechanics, Jyvaskyla, Finland, June 29, 1975. |
| Computer methods in the preparation of Olympic teams.
President's Commission on Olympic Sports, Washington D.C., Sept. 10, 1975. |
| Locomotion analysis of the mentally retarded. Special
Olympics, Inc., Kennedy Foundation, Washington D.C., Sept. 8, 1975. |
| New approach to physical fitness. President's Council on
Physical Fitness and Sports, Washington D.C., Sept. 8, 1975. |
| Computer methods of analyzing locomotive patterns of
handicapped children. Roundtable in Research on the Psychomotor Development of Young
Handicapped Children. Vasquez Associates, Ltd., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Sept. 25, 1975. |
| A kinetic analysis of the trot in cats. International
Conference on Neural Control of Locomotion, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, Sept. 29 - Oct.2,
1975. |
| Computerized dynamic resistive exercise. The International
Congress of Physical Activity Sciences, Quebec, Canada, 1976. |
| Scientific basis for the dynamic variable resistance
exercises. Forty-Second Annual Convention, Southwest District -
AAHPER, Kahuku, Hawaii,
June 9 - 12, 1976. |
| Biomechanics of coaching athletes. Forty-Second Annual
Convention, Southwest District--AAHPER, Kahuku, Hawaii, 1976. |
| Computer analysis of athletic performance. 7th International
Coaches Congress, Patiala, India, Oct. 1977. |
| Kinetic analysis of ball-racquet and ball-surface impacts.
AAHPER National Convention, March, 1977. |
| Kinetic analysis of tennis ball impacting on racquet and its
biomechanical implications. American College of Sports Medicine 24th Annual Meeting, May
1977. |
| Aerobic adaptation to work and fatigue training modes on the
computerized exercise system. Olympic Scientific Congress, Korea, 1988. |
| Cardiovascular and muscular adaptation to training utilizing
a computerized feedback-controlled modality. Olympic Scientific Congress, Korea, 1988. |
| The effects of strength training on limb velocity utilizing
different exercise equipment modalities. Olympic Scientific Congress, Korea, 1988. |
| Computer-controlled strength training program for the U.S.
National Women's Volleyball Team. Olympic Scientific Congress, Korea, 1988. |
| Computerized Biomechanical Analysis. Workshop/Demonstrations
at Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation/American Congress of Rehabilitation
Medicine Joint Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Oct. 21-26, 1990. |
| Biomechanical Applications of High Speed Video Motion
Analysis. Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation/American Congress of
Rehabilitation Medicine Joint Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Oct. 21-26, 1990. |
| Assessment of Human Performance: Application for Advanced
Computer Technology in Sport Medicine. Academy of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation/American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Joint Annual Meeting, Phoenix,
AZ, Oct. 21-26, 1990. |
| Functional Capacity Assessment Applications. California
Private Practice Special Interest Group Seminar, Marina del Rey, CA. Nov. 21, 1991. |
| Functional Capacity Assessment Applications to Athletic
Performance. American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians Fifth Annual Scientific
Session and Symposium, Kansas City, MO. Nov. 14-16, 1991. |
| Model of Muscle Fibre with Controllable Recruiting. XIII th
International Society of Biomechanics Congress on Biomechanics, Perth, Australia. Dec.
9-13, 1991. |
| Biomechanical Research in Space. XIII th International
Society of Biomechanics Congress on Biomechanics, Perth, Australia. Dec. 9-13, 1991. |
| Model of Muscle Fibre with Controllable Recruiting. XIII th
International Society of Biomechanics Congress on Biomechanics, Perth, Australia. Dec.
9-13, 1991. |
| Portable Movement Analysis System. XI th International
Symposium of International Society of Biomechanics, Amherst, MA. June 23-26, 1993. |
| Length Normalization for Rigid Body Movement. Second
International Symposium on 3-D Analysis of Human Movement, Poitiers, France, July 1-4,
1993. |
| Modified Segment Length Normalization. Second International
Symposium on 3-D Analysis of Human Movement, Poitiers, France, July 1-4, 1993. |
| Photogrammetric Transformation with Panning. XIV th
International Society of Biomechanics, Paris, France, July 4-8, 1993. |
| Error Reduction in Kinematic Data through Segment Length
Normalization. XIV th International Society of Biomechanics, Paris, France, July 4-8,
1993. |
| Long Jump Technique: Power or Speed? XIV th International
Society of Biomechanics, Paris, France, July 4-8, 1993. |
| High Performance in Athletic Training and Performance
Analysis. International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Budapest,
Alkotas, Hungary.
July 2-6, 1994. |
| High Performance in Athletic Training and Analysis. Asian
Sport Sciences Congress, Hiroshima, Japan. Sept. 25-27, 1994. |
| Biomechanical Applications in Cyberspace. XVth Congress of
the International Society of Biomechanics, Jyvaskyla, Finland, July 2-6, 1995. |
| Biomechanical Sports Analyses in Cyberspace. XIII
International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, July
18-22, 1995. |
| Olympic Sports Analyses in Cyberspace. International
Congress in Sports Medicine and Social Science in Athletics,
Goteborg, Sweden, Aug. 1-3,
1995. |
| Olympic Sports Analyses in Cyberspace. Third IOC World
Congress on Sport Sciences, Atlanta, GA. Sept. 16-22, 1995. |
| Biomechanical Analysis of Sports and Training in Local and
Global Microcosm. International Society of Biomechanics in Sports,
Funchal, Portugal, June
24-30, 1996. |
| Coaching via Cyberspace. The XIV International Track and
Field Coaches Congress, Norcross, GA. July 21-25, 1996. |
| Computerized Resistance Training. The XIV International
Track and Field Coaches Congress, Norcross, GA. July 21-25, 1996. |
| The Biomechanical Prospective of the Scientific Aspects in
Preparing Elite Athletes. The Second International Post-Olympic Symposium, Wingate
Institute, Netanyah, Israel. Dec. 28-30, 1996.