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Articles about Dr. Gideon Ariel


Gideon B. Ariel, Ph.D. - Selected presentations

bulletMassachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation: International. Sports, 1969,1970.
bulletMassachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation: Anabolic steroids and their effect on human performance, 1971.
bulletThe effect of anabolic steroid upon reflex components. Exercise Physiology Group, Springfield College, 1971.
bulletComputerized biomechanical analysis of human motion. Dartmouth College Clinic, April, 1971.
bulletBiomechanical analysis for track and field, computerized. United States Track Coaches Association Spring Clinic and Meetings, May, 1972.
bulletEffect of anabolic steroids on selected physiological parameters. American College of Sports Medicine, May, 1972.
bulletComputerized biomechanical analysis of human motion. International Congress of Track and Field, Madrid, Spain, 1973.
bulletComputerized biomechanical analysis of pole vaulting. Scientific Congress, Olympic Games, Munich, Germany, 1972.
bulletBiomechanical principles of human performance. The Detroit News Track Coaches Clinic, Detroit, 1973.
bulletLasting effect of anabolic steroid upon muscular force. American College of Sports Medicine, Washington, 1973.
bulletComputerized biomechanical analysis of human performance in track and field athletics. Winter track and Field Clinic, Chicago, 1973.
bulletMAHPER Workshop in Movement Education for Elementary Physical Education Teachers, Amherst, 1972.
bulletLasting effects of anabolic steroids. Sports Medicine and Exercise Physiology Symposium, Northeastern University, Boston, 1972.
bulletComputerized biomechanical analysis of Olympic performance. Olympic Congress, Mainz, Germany, 1973.
bulletComputerized biomechanical analysis of motion biology. First International Symposium on Problems of Motion-Biology, Budapest, Hungary, 1973.
bulletComputerized biomechanical analysis of human performance for sports and athletics. Symposium on Mechanics and Sports, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Nov., 1973.
bulletComputerized biomechanical analysis of human performance. U.S., Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, May 21, 1973.
bulletApplication of biomechanical principles to the throwing events. United States Track Coaches Association Annual Spring Meeting, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, June, 1973.
bulletComputerized biomechanical analysis of the knee joint during deep knee bend with heavy load. Fourth International Seminar on Biomechanics, the Pennsylvania State University, August, 1973.
bulletComputer applications in biomechanical analysis of human performance in sport and industry. 1st Congress Canadian Sport et Activite Physique, Montreal, Canada, Oct., 1973.
bulletMinimizing athletic performance. Track and Field Conference, Athens, Greece, Oct. 1973.
bulletComputer application to track and field athletics. Finnish Amateur Athletic Association, Helsinki, Finland, Nov., 1973.
bulletComputer application to analyzing human performance. The U.S. Coaches Association Clinic, San Francisco, 1973.
bulletNutrition and sport. NCAA Indoor Clinics, Detroit, 1974.
bulletMechanical analysis of the throwing events. NCAA Outdoor Clinics, Austin, Texas, 1974.
bulletComputer analysis of human movement. 7th Annual Sports Medicine Seminar, Seattle, Washington, 1974.
bulletMini-symposium on computers in sports medicine - intra-articular forces and stresses in the knee joint during the deep-knee bend. American College of Sports Medicine, Knoxville, Tennessee, 1974.
bulletBiomechanical and neuromuscular aspects of sprinting, jumping and throwing in track and field. American College of Sports Medicine, Knoxville, Tennessee, 1974.
bulletComputerized biomechanical analysis of human performance. Twentieth World Congress in Sports Medicine, Melbourne, Australia, 1974.
bulletBiomechanical principles applied to the design of rehabilitation exercise apparatus. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Atlanta, Georgia, 1974.
bulletBiomechanical analysis of human locomotion. Organizational Meeting, Medical Subcommittee of ASTM Committee F-13 on Safety and Traction of Footwear, Philadelphia, Sept. 18. 1974.
bulletBiomechanical consideration in the design of exercise equipment. The 1st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Biomechanics, Alberta, Edmonton, Sept. 30, 1974.
bulletResearch requirements for footwear and/or working surfaces. National Institute for Occupational Safety, NIOSH, Washington D.C., May 30, 1974.
bulletComputer applications to human performance. Visiting Scholar Western Michigan University, March 12, 1975.
bulletBiocybernetic of human performance. Visiting Scholar Western Michigan University, March 12, 1975.
bulletSpecificity of training for track and field. High School Track Coaches Clinic, Detroit, March 14, 1975.
bulletSpecificity of training for throwing events. High School Track Coaches Clinic, Detroit, March 14, 1975.
bulletBiomechanical considerations in the construction of athletic equipment. American Association of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Atlantic City, March 17, 1975.
bulletQuantitative Evaluation of biomechanics to strength and power development. 8th Annual Sports Medicine and Conditioning Seminar, Seattle, March 22, 1975.
bulletApplication of biomechanics to strength and power development. 8th Annual Sports Medicine and Conditioning Seminar, Seattle, March 22, 1975.
bulletLatest research findings in athletic conditioning. Southwest District AAMPER Conference, Albuquerque, April 18, 1975.
bulletThe biomechanics of athletic shoe. American College of Sports Medicine, New Orleans, May 23, 1975.
bulletBiomechanical considerations in the design of rehabilitation exercise equipment. American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, New Orleans, July 28, 1975.
bulletComputerized biomechanical analysis of athletic shoe. Fifth International Congress of Biomechanics, Jyvaskyla, Finland, June 29, 1975.
bulletComputer methods in the preparation of Olympic teams. President's Commission on Olympic Sports, Washington D.C., Sept. 10, 1975.
bulletLocomotion analysis of the mentally retarded. Special Olympics, Inc., Kennedy Foundation, Washington D.C., Sept. 8, 1975.
bulletNew approach to physical fitness. President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, Washington D.C., Sept. 8, 1975.
bulletComputer methods of analyzing locomotive patterns of handicapped children. Roundtable in Research on the Psychomotor Development of Young Handicapped Children. Vasquez Associates, Ltd., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Sept. 25, 1975.
bulletA kinetic analysis of the trot in cats. International Conference on Neural Control of Locomotion, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, Sept. 29 - Oct.2, 1975.
bulletComputerized dynamic resistive exercise. The International Congress of Physical Activity Sciences, Quebec, Canada, 1976.
bulletScientific basis for the dynamic variable resistance exercises. Forty-Second Annual Convention, Southwest District - AAHPER, Kahuku, Hawaii, June 9 - 12, 1976.
bulletBiomechanics of coaching athletes. Forty-Second Annual Convention, Southwest District--AAHPER, Kahuku, Hawaii, 1976.
bulletComputer analysis of athletic performance. 7th International Coaches Congress, Patiala, India, Oct. 1977.
bulletKinetic analysis of ball-racquet and ball-surface impacts. AAHPER National Convention, March, 1977.
bulletKinetic analysis of tennis ball impacting on racquet and its biomechanical implications. American College of Sports Medicine 24th Annual Meeting, May 1977.
bulletAerobic adaptation to work and fatigue training modes on the computerized exercise system. Olympic Scientific Congress, Korea, 1988.
bulletCardiovascular and muscular adaptation to training utilizing a computerized feedback-controlled modality. Olympic Scientific Congress, Korea, 1988.
bulletThe effects of strength training on limb velocity utilizing different exercise equipment modalities. Olympic Scientific Congress, Korea, 1988.
bulletComputer-controlled strength training program for the U.S. National Women's Volleyball Team. Olympic Scientific Congress, Korea, 1988.
bulletComputerized Biomechanical Analysis. Workshop/Demonstrations at Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation/American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Joint Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Oct. 21-26, 1990.
bulletBiomechanical Applications of High Speed Video Motion Analysis. Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation/American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Joint Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Oct. 21-26, 1990.
bulletAssessment of Human Performance: Application for Advanced Computer Technology in Sport Medicine. Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation/American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Joint Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Oct. 21-26, 1990.
bulletFunctional Capacity Assessment Applications. California Private Practice Special Interest Group Seminar, Marina del Rey, CA. Nov. 21, 1991.
bulletFunctional Capacity Assessment Applications to Athletic Performance. American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians Fifth Annual Scientific Session and Symposium, Kansas City, MO. Nov. 14-16, 1991.
bulletModel of Muscle Fibre with Controllable Recruiting. XIII th International Society of Biomechanics Congress on Biomechanics, Perth, Australia. Dec. 9-13, 1991.
bulletBiomechanical Research in Space. XIII th International Society of Biomechanics Congress on Biomechanics, Perth, Australia. Dec. 9-13, 1991.
bulletModel of Muscle Fibre with Controllable Recruiting. XIII th International Society of Biomechanics Congress on Biomechanics, Perth, Australia. Dec. 9-13, 1991.
bulletPortable Movement Analysis System. XI th International Symposium of International Society of Biomechanics, Amherst, MA. June 23-26, 1993.
bulletLength Normalization for Rigid Body Movement. Second International Symposium on 3-D Analysis of Human Movement, Poitiers, France, July 1-4, 1993.
bulletModified Segment Length Normalization. Second International Symposium on 3-D Analysis of Human Movement, Poitiers, France, July 1-4, 1993.
bulletPhotogrammetric Transformation with Panning. XIV th International Society of Biomechanics, Paris, France, July 4-8, 1993.
bulletError Reduction in Kinematic Data through Segment Length Normalization. XIV th International Society of Biomechanics, Paris, France, July 4-8, 1993.
bulletLong Jump Technique: Power or Speed? XIV th International Society of Biomechanics, Paris, France, July 4-8, 1993.
bulletHigh Performance in Athletic Training and Performance Analysis. International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Budapest, Alkotas, Hungary. July 2-6, 1994.
bulletHigh Performance in Athletic Training and Analysis. Asian Sport Sciences Congress, Hiroshima, Japan. Sept. 25-27, 1994.
bulletBiomechanical Applications in Cyberspace. XVth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Jyvaskyla, Finland, July 2-6, 1995.
bulletBiomechanical Sports Analyses in Cyberspace. XIII International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, July 18-22, 1995.
bulletOlympic Sports Analyses in Cyberspace. International Congress in Sports Medicine and Social Science in Athletics, Goteborg, Sweden, Aug. 1-3, 1995.
bulletOlympic Sports Analyses in Cyberspace. Third IOC World Congress on Sport Sciences, Atlanta, GA. Sept. 16-22, 1995.
bulletBiomechanical Analysis of Sports and Training in Local and Global Microcosm. International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Funchal, Portugal, June 24-30, 1996.
bulletCoaching via Cyberspace. The XIV International Track and Field Coaches Congress, Norcross, GA. July 21-25, 1996.
bulletComputerized Resistance Training. The XIV International Track and Field Coaches Congress, Norcross, GA. July 21-25, 1996.
bulletThe Biomechanical Prospective of the Scientific Aspects in Preparing Elite Athletes. The Second International Post-Olympic Symposium, Wingate Institute, Netanyah, Israel. Dec. 28-30, 1996.

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