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Gideon B. Ariel, Ph.D. - Selected publications

  1. The effect of knee joint angle on Harvard Step Test Performance. Ergonomics, 12: 33-37, 1969.
  2. Computerized biomechanical analysis of the world pole vault. Proceedings to the Scientific Congress, Munich Olympic Games, 1972.
  3. Computer analysis of track biomechanics. Track Technique, 50: 1597-1598, 1972.
  4. Computerized biomechanical analysis of track and field athletes utilized by the Olympic Training Camp for throwing events. Track and Field Quarterly Review, 72: 99-103, 1972.
  5. Computerized biomechanical analysis of the world pole vault. Track and Field Quarterly Review, 72: 217-222, 1972.
  6. Biomechanical analysis of the shot-put utilizing the center of gravity displacement. Track and Field Quarterly Review, 73: 207-210,1973.
  7. Computerized biomechanical analysis of the world's best shot-putters. Track and Field Quarterly Review, 73: 199-206, 1973.
  8. Die biomechanische bewegungsanalyse mit hilfe des computers. Leistungssport, 4: 301-308,1973.
  9. Computerized biomechanical analysis of human performance. Mechanics and Sport. pp.267-275. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 1973.
  10. Computer application biomechanical analysis of human performance in sport and industry. Canadian Congress of Sport and Physical Activity, Abstracts, October: 1973.
  11. Biomekaaninen liikeanalyysi tietokoneella. Yleis-Urheilu, 9: 4-9, 1973.
  12. Computerized biomechanical analysis of the knee joint during deep knee bend with heavy load. Fourth International Seminar on Biomechanics Volume IV. 1973.
  13. Javelin throw: computer biomechanical analysis. Track Technique, 54: 1726-1928, 1973.
  14. Analysis biomecanico de los mejores lanzadores do peso mundiales procesado mediante ordenador (1. parte). 1973Madrid Congresos VI - I T F C A, 1973.
  15. Biomechanical consideration in the design and construction of resistance exercise equipment. Proceedings of the 1st Annual Meeting, the Canadian Society for Biomechanics University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, 25-34, 1974.
  16. Shear and compression forces in the knee joint during deep knee bend. XXth World Congress in Sports Medicine Handbook, Melbourne, Australia, 1974.
  17. Biomechanische analysen sprtlicher bewegungsablaufe mit hilfe von computen. Olympische Analysen. pp.147-149. Verlag Bartels & Wernitz KG. 1974.
  18. Computerized biomechanical analysis of human performance. XXth World Congress in Sports Medicine Handbook, Melbourne, Australia, 1974.
  19. Computerized biomechanical analysis of human performance: an application for exercise equipment design and athletic performance. Universal Fitness Research Department, Technical Report Uni-1, 1974.
  20. Computerized biomechanical analysis of the bench press and the leg press exercises. Universal Fitness Research Department, Technical Report Uni-2, 1974.
  21. Variable resistance exercise: a biomechanical approach to muscular training. Universal Fitness Research Department, Technical Report Uni-3, 1974.
  22. Intra-articular shearing factor during resistance exercises. Universal Fitness Research Department, Technical Report Uni-4, 1974.
  23. Principles of ballistic motion in resistance exercise training. Universal Fitness Research Department, Technical Report Uni-5, 1974.
  24. Physical education: 2001?. Quest, XX!: 1974.
  25. Computerized biomechanical analysis of the variable resistance exercise machine. Universal Fitness Research Department, Technical Report Uni-7, 1974.
  26. Assessment of muscular performance. Universal Fitness Research Department, Technical Report Uni-8, 1974.
  27. Computerized biomechanical analysis of human performance. Athletic Journal, 54: 54-84, 1974.
  28. Method for biomechanical analysis of human performance. Research Quarterly, 45: 72-79, 1974.
  29. Principles of ballistic motion in resistive exercise training. Scholastic Coach, 43: 80-108, 1974.
  30. Understanding the scientific bases behind variable resistance exercises. Fresno: Universal Athletic Sales, 1974.
  31. Intra-articular forces and stresses in the knee joint during the deep-knee bend. Medicine and Science in Sports. 6: 73 1974.
  32. Computerized biomechanical analysis of the world pole vault record. Sport in the Modern World. pp.310-312. Springer - Verlag. 1974.
  33. Comparative conditioning analysis. Fresno: Universal Athletic Corp, 1974.
  34. The biomechanics of athletic shoe design. Medicine and Science in Sports. 7: 78 1975.
  35. Principios del movimiento balistico en los ejercicios contra resistencia. Stadium, 52: 8-10, 1975.
  36. Computerized biomechanical analysis of human performance. Biomechanics of Sport. pp.228-229. 1975.
  37. Computerized biomechanical analysis of human performance. XXth World Congress in Sports Medicine, Congress Proceedings, 71-79, 1975.
  38. Biomechanical analysis of the knee joint during deep knee bend with heavy load. XXth World Congress in Sports Medicine, Congress Proceedings, 53-60, 1975.
  39. Computerized biomechanical analysis of athletic shoe. V International Congress of Biomechanics Abstracts, P 5, Jyvaskyla, Finland, 1975.
  40. A kinetic analysis of the trot in cats. Book of Abstracts International Conference on Neural Control of Locomotion, 1975.
  41. Principles of ballistic motion in resistance exercise training. Track and Field Quarterly Review, 75: 58-61, 1975.
  42. Neural control of locomotion - a kinetic analysis of the trot in cats. Neural Control of Locomotion. pp.759-762. Plenum Publishing Corp.. 1976.
  43. Computerized biomechanical analysis of throwers at the 1975 Olympic Javelin Camp. Track and Field Quarterly Review, 76: 45-50, 1976.
  44. Computer method of analyzing locomotive patterns of handicapped children. Final Report of the State of the Art Research Review and Conference on the Psychomotor Development in preschool Handicapped Children for the Bureau of Education for the Handicapped Office of Education, Dept. Health, Education and Welfare, Contract No.: 300-75-0225-16-25, 1976.
  45. Computerized dynamic resistive exercise. Abstracts of The International Congress of Physical Activity Sciences, Quebec City, Canada, 1976.
  46. The ultimate in high jump performance. Track and Field Quarterly Review, 77: 59-61, 1977.
  47. Athletic shoe design. Modern Athlete and Coach, 15: 7-9, 1977.
  48. Computerized dynamic resistive exercise. Biomechanics of Sports and Kinanthropometry. The International Congress of Physical Activity Sciences, 1977.
  49. Equipment Safety and Effectiveness. Therapeutics Through Exercise. pp.197-201. Grune & Stratton,Inc.. 1979.
  50. Elementary Biomechanics. Therapeutics Through Exercise. pp.99-102. Grune & Stratten, Inc.. 1979.
  51. Biomechanical analysis of ballistic vs. tracking movements in tennis skills. Proceedings of a National Symposium on The Racquet Sports, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 105-123, 1979.
  52. Computer use for biomechanical analysis, data acquisition, and human-machine interface. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Hawaii International Conference on System Science, Volume III: 470-475, 1980.
  53. Biomechanical analysis of shot putting. Track and Field Quarterly Review, 79: 27-37, 1980.
  54. Human movement analysis. Applied Ergonomics, 11: 61-62, 1980.
  55. Biomechanical analysis of javelin throw. Track and Field Quarterly Review, 80: 9-17, 1980.
  56. Biomechanical analysis of hammer throw. Track and Field Quarterly Review, 80: 41-51, 1980.
  57. Resistive Training. Clinics in Sports Med, 2: 55-69, 1983.
  58. Biomechanical aspects of Olympic sports medicine. Clinics in Sports Medicine. pp.31-36. W.B. Sauders Company. 1983.
  59. Resistive training. Clinics in Sports Medicine. pp.55-70. W.B. Saunders Company. 1983.
  60. A computerized formation analysis of the Women's Volleyball World Cup Championship in Japan. Unpublished Study prepared for the USOC, presented at ACSM Conference in Montreal, May: 1983.
  61. Biofeedback and biomechanics in athletic training. Biofeedback and Sports Science. pp.107-145. Plenum Publishing Corp.. 1985.
  62. Body mechanics. In: Injuries to the Throwing Arm from the Proceedings of the National Conference Sponsored by the U S O C Sports Medicine Council, Philadelphia, 3-21, 1985.
  63. Biomechanical analysis of golf swing. Unpublished Study Prepared for Wilson Sporting Good Co., 1986.
  64. The effect of muscle stimulation during resistive training on performance parameters. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 14: 18-23, 1986.
  65. The science of biomechanics and its scientific application. Unpublished Review, 1988.
  66. Mechanics of Exercise Fitness. Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation. pp.387-392. John Wiley & Sons. 1988.
  67. Biomechanics. Scientific Foundations of Sports Medicine. pp.271-297. B.C. Decker, Inc.. 1989.
  68. The Ariel Performance Analysis System. SPIE, 1356: 76-78, 1990.
  69. Functional capacity assessment applications. Fifth Annual Scientific Sessions & Symposium, American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians, November 14-16: 1991.
  70. XIIIth International Congress on Biomechanics Book of Abstracts. pp.36-37. The Department of Human Movement Studies. 1991.
  71. A study to determine the aerobic adaptation to work and fatigue training modes on the Ariel CES Multifunction Station. 1991.
  72. Body aerodynamics: contribution to long jump performance. Track & Field Quarterly Review, 92: 11-13, 1992.
  73. Two world's best long jumps: comparative biomechanical analysis. Track & Field Quarterly Review, 92: 6-10, 1992.
  74. Error reduction in kinematic data through segment length normalization. International Center for Biomechanical Research - Book of Abstracts for 1993. Biomechanics. 1993.
  75. Computerized portable dynamometer for musculoskeltal assessment. 1993.
  76. Length normalization for rigid body movement. International Center for Biomechanical Research - Book of Abstracts for 1993. Biomechanics. 1993.
  77. Modified segment length normalization. International Center for Biomechanical Research - Book of Abstracts for 1993. Biomechanics. 1993.
  78. Photogrammetric transformation with panning. International Center for Biomechanical Research - Book of Abstracts for 1993. Biomechanics. 1993.
  79. Long jump technique: power or speed? International Center for Biomechanical Research - Book of Abstracts for 1993. Biomechanics. 1993.


(Fully Automatic digitizing and 3D analysis was established in 1971, by Dr. Gideon Ariel in University of Massachusetts !!!)

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