Force Plate

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How to create a force plate file

Kistler Model #9286AA

This example illustrates the procedure for creating an analog file for a single Kistler force platform (Model #9286AA) in English units (Length = Inches, Force = Pounds).


NOTE: Entries marked with an asterisk (*) indicate that these numbers may vary depending on the particular user application.

1. From the main APAS Analog menu, select FILE, NEW to create a new *.ANA file. Select the Drive and Directory where the file will be located. Then enter the file name and select the OPEN button to proceed. (NOTE: In this example, the file has been named KIST9286.ana).

2. Use the Parameter Bar to set the following parameters:

Last Channel (LastCh): H1 (8 channels total)

Trigger Channel (TrigCh): E1 (Trigger from the Z force)*

Period: 5 seconds*

Sample Rate (Rate/Ch): 1000 samples/second/channel*

Trigger Level (TrigLev): 25 lbs*

Pre-Trigger Percent (PreTrig%): 10%*

3. Select OPTIONS, CHANNELS to specify the Channel Information for the active analog channels.

Description: Channel description or name.

Units: Units to be displayed on analog data outputs.

Unit/Volt: Conversion factor used to calculate analog signals.

Offset: Signal level in volts corresponding to zero in the units of that channel.

NOTE: The Description and Units are labels and are not used for any calculations. The Unit/Volt and Offset fields can be left blank at this time, as these values will be automatically calculated in later steps.

4. Select OPTIONS, PLATES, KISTLER to activate the software drivers for the KISTLER force platform.

    1. Select the INFO tab and enter the following:

      Length Units: Inch*

      Force Units: Lbs*

      #Plates: One*

      1st Plate Channel: A1*

      Model: 9286A

    3. Select the PLATE#1 tab and enter the force plate dimensions. NOTE: These dimensions are found in the Technical Data section of the Kistler force plate manual and MUST be entered in the length units selected above!
    4. Transducer Separations: x: 35cm/13.78in y: 55cm/21.65in

      Transducer Depth z: 2.2cm / 0.866in

      Width: 40cm/15.75 inches

      Length: 60cm/23.62 inches

    5. Select the CAL#1 tab and enter the following calibration matrix information. NOTE: The calibration information is obtained from the force platform Calibration Certificate (highlighted inside the red box below).
    6. Select the ELECTRONICS tab and select the desired setting:

X/Y Setting: 250 Nt*

Z Setting: 2500 Nt*

5. Select OK to Calculate Plate Conversion Factors.

This will automatically update the Units/Volt entry in the Channel Information Table.

  1. Set the desired channels on Plot lists 1 through 3 by clicking in the desired column.
  2. Click in the 1st column for Channel C1 (Z direction force)

    Click in the 2nd column for Channels A1 and B1 (X and Y direction Forces)

    Click in the 3rd column for Channels D1, E1 and F1 (X, Y, Z Moments)

  3. Select SAMPLE, START (or the "GO" icon in the toolbar) to display the Prepare For Sampling menu.
  4. Make certain that there is no weight applied to the force platform and select the ZERO button.
  5. This will automatically update the Offset entry in the Channel Information Table.


  6. You are now ready to sample the analog data. Sampling is initiated by selecting the OK button.

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