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Video analysis with APAS
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for an interactive demonstration.
| Biomechanical Analysis The APAS allows for three-dimensional
evaluation of the horse's performance during any activity. Three-dimensional analysis
allows for prediction of injury, improvement of technique and the evaluation of treatment
for the injured horse.
| Breeders The APAS allows the potential owner to perform a full
evaluation of a horse's potential. It also allows the potential owner to predict the
possibility of injury based on forces which are not visible to the human eye.
| Trainers The subtle aspects of a horse's movements which impede
performance in jumping, racing and aesthetic form can be clearly identified and corrected
through the use of APAS. The APAS allows the owner or trainer to evaluate the performance
of each joint and segment of the horse's body. This allows for clear-cut training programs
to return a horse to its optimum performance.
| Veterinarians Returning a horse to its pre-injury performance is
often difficult. The APAS allows the trainer to determine the specific muscle groups which
have not returned to their original performance level by analyzing the deficiencies in
limb movement. This technique allows for better understanding of the extent of the injury
and the best course for the horse's rehabilitation.