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APASview Quick Reference


Loading kinematic data from APAS .3d files:

When the APAS .3D file is created the following information is stored:

1. Marker displacement (trajectory) in 3 dimensional space (X,Y,Z)

2. Marker velocity in 3 dimensional space (X,Y,Z)

3. Marker acceleration in 3 dimensional space (X,Y,Z)

Normally this information is used for the display the trajectory of the stickfigures, but can also be used as numerical data. In some investigations it can be useful to watch a stickfigure along with centre of gravity, velocity of a tennisraket, or the acceleration of the knee in walking.

1. Open a new instance of the DataWindow

2. Click on in the DataWindow speedbutton panel bring up the set-up window.

3. The datatype must be specified to load the correct type of data. It is possible to choose between three different types of kinematic data:

1. APAS Displacement

2. APAS Velocity

3. APAS Acceleration

4. Double click in the FileName textbox and use the fileopen window to locate an APAS .3D file.

5. Only 16 channels of kinetic data can be simultaneously displayed in a DataWindow. Do not select more than 16 channels from the MarkerList.

If you leave this selection untouched the first 16 markers will be selected automatically.

6. Select one of four direction (X, Y, Z or resultant).

7. Exit the DataWindow set-up.

8. The kinetic data will be loaded just after the set-up window is closed.

9. Use the runtime configuration menu for further configuration of channel color, name, rectify and show.


Loading analog data from APAS .ANA files:

1. Open a new instance of the DataWindow

2. Click on in the DataWindow speedbutton panel bring up the set-up window.

3. Set the datatype to APAS ANA.

4. Double click in the FileName text box and use the fileopen window to locate an APAS .ANA file.

5. Select a trial from the TrialList.

6. If you have selected a file containing less than 16 channels (check the # of Channels): Proceed at index number 9.

7. A selection of the channels of interest is necessary. If this operation is avoided the first 16 channels will be displayed (jump to index 9). Double click the selected trial in the TrialList.

8. Select the channels you want to display in the DataWindow. If you double click the item 'Trial List' you will get the complete Trial List again.

9. Exit the DataWindow set-up.

10. The Datafile is loaded.

11. Use the runtime configuration menu for further configuration of channel color, name, rectify and show.


Loading numerical data from binary and text files:

1. Open a new instance of the DataWindow

2. Click on in the DataWindow speedbutton panel bring up the set-up window.

3. Set the data type to Text or Binary (real 6 byte, real 4 byte, longint 4 byte, integer 2 byte, word 2 byte, byte)

4. Double click in the FileName textbox and use the fileopen window to locate a text file or a binary file.

5. Configure the number of channels.

6. Exit the DataWindow set-up (press the set-up window button OK).

7. The Datafile is loaded.

8. Use the runtime configuration menu for further configuration of channel color, name, rectify and show.


Loading joint angle data from APAS .3D files:

1. Open a new instance of the DataWindow

2. Click on in the DataWindow speedbutton panel bring up the set-up window.

3. Select the APAS angle datatype.

4. Double click in the FileName textbox and use the fileopen window to locate an APAS .3D file.

5. Before the APASview can load the angle data two segments must be defined, a proximal and a distal. For this purpose three markers must be selected from the makerlist.

This example will demonstrate the definition of the knee joint angle: The hip marker defines the proximal marker, and a knee marker defining the joint marker, all together defining a thigh segment. Last the ankle marker together with the knee marker defines the calf segment. With this set up the APASview calculates the joint angle of the knee joint.

6. Select CCW/CW for calculating counter clockwise or clockwise.

7. Exit the DataWindow set-up.

8. The joint data will be loaded just after the set-up window is closed.

9. Use the runtime configuration menu for further configuration of channel color, name, rectify and show.


Loading stickfigure (Marker Trajectory) data into the StickWindow:

1. Open a new instance of the StickWindow

2. Click on the button to bring up the set-up window.

3. Double click in the File Name textbox and use the fileopen window.

4. When closing the open file window the configuration of the stick figure is loaded.

5. Change marker connections of the stick figure if necessary.

6. Exit set-up window.

7. The file is loaded and the stick figure is displayed on the canvas


Loading forceplate data into the StickWindow:

The forceplate data can be displayed with and without marker trajectory. The loading for both situations is the same.

1. Open a new instance of the StickWindow

2. Click on the button to bring up the set-up window.

3. If marker trajectory has to displayed together with the forceplate vectors, the marker trajectory file should be loaded prior to loading the forceplate data.

4. Double click in the Forceplate File Name textbox and use the fileopen window.

5. Select the forceplate orientation

6. Select the Y+ direction of the clibration frame with respect to X+ direction.

7. Select where the reference marker is placed on the forceplate

8. Enable or disable the visual display of the forceplates.

9. Select a reference marker for the alignment of the forceplates. If the APASview should use the parameters aligning the second forceplate in respect to the first using the information from the APAS .ANA file, the reference marker #2 must be cleared out.

10. Exit set-up window. Only the OK button will load the data.

Scaling of the force vector is done at run time. Activate the StickWindow containing the forceplate data, press the shift button and move the mouse up and down.


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