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Camp James
Survivor Camp
Beach 8-1-03
Tova's Birthday

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Energetic applications
All machines need an energy source in order to work,
and they apply this energy while they perform a task.
A car engine (above) burns gasoline to produce heat
energy, which it then turns into motion. A miniature
set of gears (left), each no wider than a human hair,
transfers motion in a tiny sensing device that can
work accurately under extremely high acceleration
because it is so small.


machines may surround you
in your everyday life-in
your home, at work or
school, in your leisure time,
and as you travel from place
to place. They can perform
all kinds of useful tasks for
you. Because they have
different purposes, machines
come in a huge variety of
shapes and sizes. Yet
whatever they do and
whatever they look like,
all of them work on the
same basic principles.
Understanding these
principles will greatly
help you to find out
how things work.


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