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All Motion Analysis Systems were developed for the purpose of analyzing movement

The basic framework for all modern systems consists of hardware and software. All companies provide hardware consisting of either off-the-shelf products OR their own proprietary items which they manufacture. Every company includes software to operate the computer as well as follow the programmed biomechanical instructions to analyze the data and present the results in useful, acceptable formats.

How can a Consumer evaluate the choices presented?

Since all companies engage in marketing efforts to sell their products, consumers must evaluate the efficacy of the product claims against reality NOT because a well-known individual or a sales person makes the claim. Everyone has heard the joke about knowing the sales person is lying if the lips are moving. The Buyer must acquire accurate information in order to differentiate between sales hyperbole and truth. "Caveat emptor" -- "let the Buyer beware" extends beyond the pig in the poke.

Get the BEST for LESS

Your biomechanical system must be ACCURATE, VERSATILE, and FUNCTIONAL. You should demand the best, get the best, and for the best price!! Usually getting the BIGGEST BANG for the BUCK is the consumer's first thought regardless of the product. You want to buy the BEST biomechanical system AND at the BEST price. This document should help to focus on some of the realistic considerations associated with biomechanical systems currently offered.

Remember the old adage that "a fool and his money are soon parted!" Just because a three-piece suit or a "big name" consultant tell you that their product is good does NOT make it true. Conduct an open-minded, point-by-point comparison with the Ariel system. Test their claims against those make by Ariel.

  • Check each function they claim to have.
  • Compare their prices.
  • Verify their credibility.

Correct, honest, and accurate information will lead you to only one conclusion:

The Ariel Performance Analysis System (APAS) is the Best !!!


Ariel was the first .......

  • Ariel was the first company to create a biomechanical system for scientific, educational, and commercial applications.
  • Ariel introduced the first electronic digitizer (sonic) for use with 16mm film tracings.
  • Ariel was the first to connect a force platform to a computer AND to write the software to control it.
  • Ariel provided the first hardware-software controlled interface for other input signals such as EMG integrated with the movement analysis system.
  • Ariel was the first to grab video images and store them on the hard disk for subsequent processing.
  • Ariel provided the first computerized video digitizing using the computer's display monitor as the tracing medium.
  • Ariel was the first to connect the motion analysis system with the Ariel Computerized Exercise System (CES).
  • Ariel was the first Biomechanical company to have a Web Site available on the Internet.
  • Ariel introduced the first "On-line" digitizing system on the Internet.

You can find more of our "firsts" described elsewhere and we are very proud of all of them. Our greatest joy is that

The Ariel Performance Analysis
IS the BEST!

and not just because we say so! Check the details for yourself. Examine all of the options for digitizing, smoothing and transformation, graphing, stick figure presentations, interfacing with other devices, and MORE. Remember:


When you carefully check details about the Ariel Performance Analysis System (APAS), you will discover that this system is far better than any other and, in fact, is the most advanced system in the world. Don't hesitate to read through our system Manual to fortify yourself with more extensive details.

You will be the ultimate decision-maker. We can tell you about the power potential and the price. We can urge you to consider the strengths and merits with each system and balance them against the cost. The seductiveness of glitz and glitter sales techniques should not cloud the real issue --- the reality of what the product IS and what it COSTS to have it. Don't let some stuffed shirt or academic blowhard convince you to buy an inferior product merely because they disapprove of our marketing skill s.

Biomechanical procedures are performed with good tools NOT with marketing skills.

Comparison of Products and Costs

The following table presents the basic items and their related costs for a typical motion analysis system. The price range is essentially the same for all companies although those with specialized, proprietary items may be more expensive. The range will be approximately $10,000 to $30,000 depending on the kind and the components purchased. Every company will have similar hardware expenses.

Hardware Costs

(In US Dollars)

  • Computer (Pentium).................................…..........850-1500
  • Camera - (SVHS) ........................................ .......950-1500
  • VCR ---- (60 Hz)..........................................…....3500
  • Memory - (8MB)....................................……......250- 450
  • Monitor..................................................….…......500- 650
  • Camera - (High Speed 120Hz).................. ....…...5000
  • Calibration Frame.....................................…........200-1500
  • Analog to Digital Converter................…….…......600-1000
  • Force Plate (AMTI)............................……..........10000
  • Panning System................................…......….......1500-2500
  • Tripod............................................…......…...... ..200
  • EMG electrode (Active)...................................….350

(The balance of the retail price will be for software, R&D, marketing, and other overhead costs.)

The retail price includes these basic hardware details with the remainder attributed to "everything else". You will have to decide whether the retail price, which is what YOU will have to pay, is purchasing a better product or better marketing .. Does the price reflect appropriate company costs or marketing and excessive overhead?

In order to provide an actual, detailed comparison, we will demonstrates facts only. Since Ariel is primarily, but not exclusively, a video-based movement quantification system, we will limit the direct comparison to another video-based motion system. Their company offer aligned with an offer from Ariel provides a direct comparison between the two companies. Each customer compared the bid from Peak Performance with the one from Ariel and choose the Ariel Performance Analysis System. Although each customer had various reasons for the final choice, one of the main considerations was:


It is up to you to decide. If the facts are not 100 percent accurate, we would like to know. For more detailed information you can download the full manual from our FTP site. If you are interested, we can E-mail the instructions for downloading the manual. Our E-Mail is:

Thank you very much for your interest from all the staff at Ariel Dynamics Inc.



Copyright MCMXCVI by Ariel Dynamics
Web Site Design by Gideon Ariel