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Contract | Contract with NASA |
Correction | Who really did the first biomechanical experiments in Space? |
Distortion | Evaluation of Lens Distortion Errors |
First Project | First Biomechanic Study in Space Utilizing High Speed Cameras and Electronic Digitizing - 1979 |
Interaction | The interaction of the Space Shuttle launch and entry suit and sustained weightlessness on egress locomotion |
Multifunction | Multifunction Exercise Machine |
NASA | What is a Resistive Exercise Dynamometer? Read on, and learn how Ariel Dynamics participates in and contributes to America's Space Program. |
Research | Biomechanical Research in Space |
Resistive | Second Generation Resistive Exercise Dynamometer RED |
Russian Tears | Russians sweat in space |
Trajectories | Nonstandard functional limb trajectories |
Treadmill | Comparison of Vertical Forces Applied During Human Locomotion in a One-G and Zero-G Environment on the Space Shuttle Treadmill |
Underwater | Evaluation of Lens Distortion Errors Using |