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12.1 PRINTING PROCESS   Once an analysis sequence has been digitized, transformed and smoothed, the Printing Module allows the three-dimensional image data, displacements, velocities, accelerations, segment energy values and segment momentum values, to be printed in tabular format, as an aid to analysis.

Typically, the Printing Module is used in conjunction with the Graphing and Viewing Modules to obtain a complete presentation of image motion data for biomechanical analysis. This chapter describes how the standard and optional features of the printing module are used.

Creating a report for printing is a two step process. First, the type of report(s) must be produced and the items that are to be included in the report. Second, the report is then printed. Alternately, reports may be displayed on the monitor, saved to data files, or transferred to other information processing programs.

12.2 REPORT SELECTION TABLE   When the Printing Module is selected from the Main APAS Menu the first screen lists the sequence names available in the current directory. Once a sequence has been selected, the stick figure image of that sequence is displayed on the color monitor and at the same time the Printing Main Menu is displayed on the monochrome monitor.

Displayed in the upper half of the monochrome screen is the Report Selection Table. The table contains one line for each major type of report that is to be produced for printing. These are listed under the Report Type column.

The #J/S column shows the number of body joints or segments that have been selected for each report type. A separate selection list is maintained for each type of report. "None" indicates that no selections have been made for that report and this report will not be produced.

Each major report type consists of two sections: a standard report and a summary report. The standard reports lists all motion parameters together for a single joint or segment while the summary report lists all joints or segments together for a single motion parameter. When the columns for one of these sections are all blank, that section of the report will not be produced. When one or more of these columns contains a coordinate or viewing axis description, that section of the report will be produced for those specific component values and for the individual joints or segments that have been selected. In this manner, printing can be limited to those data values necessary for analysis.

12.3 REPORT TYPE   Selection of reports to be printed begins by choosing the Report-type option from the Printing Main Menu. One or more report types must be selected, as well as, specific joint or segment information to be included in the reports, before actually printing of any data. Therefore this is the first option that must be selected in the Printing Module.

The Axis name indicators in the Report Selection Table show which reports have been selected for which coordinate or viewing axis direction. The indicators are all initially blank. In order to set some of them to axis values, and thereby select items to print, a report type must first be selected and then one or more body joints or segments, and finally one or more coordinate or viewing axis directions. These functions will appear on subsequent menus after selection of Report-type.

Selection of items for each report type is performed independently and the procedure is repeated for each report. The report types are listed in the Report-Type Menu.

  1. Linear - generates reports of body joint motion (displacement, velocity and acceleration) in the standard Cartesian coordinate system. This report lists joint displacement, velocity and acceleration components for each coordinate axis as well as resultant motion values. After selection of body joints, a coordinate axis direction must be selected to be included in the standard and/or optional reports. The coordinate system is the one selected for the "Control Points" used to calibrate the image space and the units of measurement are those initially specified for this sequence. Linear report types may be selected in two different ways;
    1. Pos/Vel/Acc is selected to print joint motions (position, velocity, acceleration) in the standard Cartesian coordinate system. In this system, motion is represented in X, Y, and Z coordinate components which are assigned values with implicit value with no implicit direction.
    2. Force/Couple is selected to print joint force/torque components and the force/torque vector magnitude in the standard Cartesian coordinate system. In this system, force/torque is represented in X, Y and Z coordinate components which are signed values with implicit directions and by a resultant Magnitude which is an unsigned value with no implicit directions.
  2. Directional - lists body joint motion (velocities and accelerations) in polar coordinates rather than Cartesian coordinates. This report lists the angle of the velocity and acceleration vectors for each joint and frame as viewed along each viewing axis. The values for each plane includes a magnitude (length of the projected vector) and a direction (angle of the projected vector from the right horizontal). This report does not contain joint displacement information. After selection of body joints, a viewing axis direction must be selected to be included in the standard and/or optional reports.
  3. Seg-ang - lists segment angular displacements, velocities and acceleration in a polar coordinate system. The angular motion of each segment is computed using one of the segment endpoints as the pole or center of rotation. This is a relative frame of reference rather than an absolute and the motion values reported for each segment do not include the motion of that reference frame relative to the entire image. Reference frame motion is provided by either the Joint Linear or the Joint Directional report for the segment endpoint used as the pole. After selection of body joints, a viewing axis direction must be selected to be included in the standard and/or optional reports.
  4. Joint-ang - lists body joint angular displacements, velocities and acceleration in a polar coordinate system. The angular motion of each joint is computed as the relative motion between the two segments sharing this joint as the pole or center of rotation. This is a relative rather not included the motion of that reference frame relative to the entire image. Reference frame motion is provided by either the Joint Linear or the Joint Directional report for this joint. After selection of body joints, a viewing axis direction must be selected to be included in the standard and/or optional reports.
  5. Energy - generates reports of body segment energy. Energy values that may be reported include rotational and linear kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy and total energy. Energy is not a vector quantity and thus no component values are induced in the segment energy report. Energy values are computed from segment mass information and segment motion values; linear and rotational velocities for kinetic energy and vertical displacement for potential energy. Segment masses are entered in the Digitizing Module either by supplying the subject's total body weight for system type segment, or by entering mass information individually by segment. If no mass information was entered then the Energy report cannot be selected. After selection of body joints, the type of energy values must be selected to be included in the standard and/or optional reports.
  6. Momentum - generates body segment rotational and linear momentum value reports. Momentum values are presented separately for each coordinated component direction, as well as, for the magnitude of the resultant momentum vector. Linear momentum is reported along each component direction while rotational momentum is reported about each component direction. Momentum values are computed from segment motion values (linear and rotational velocities) and segment mass information. If no mass information was supplied in the Digitizing Module then the Momentum report cannot be selected. After selection of body joints, the type of momentum values must be selected to be included in the standard and/or optional reports.
When a report type is selected the corresponding row or the Report Selection Table is highlighted. This serves as a reminder of the report type currently being specified.

12.3.1 Report Specification   Once a report type has been selected, the number of joints and the type of report, standard and/or summary, must be specified. After report type is selected, the body segments to be included in the report must be chosen, then axis for standard and/or summary reports is selected. The Report Specifications Menu displays the Choose_joints, Report and Summary options. Choose-joints   The Choose_joints option is selected in order to specify which body joints will be include in the report and/or summary. A menu of body joints will appear on the screen to allow body joint selection for the reports. Joints are selected by highlighting the joint name and pressing ENTER. As each joint or segment name is selected it will be marked on the stick figure and the name will be listed on the screen next to the stick figure. Markings are dependant upon which type of report is selected. Joints/segments are selected until the F10-Done key is pressed. To remove a single joint/segment, the name may be selected a second time. This toggles the name between being selected and unselected. The F1-select/clear all key may be used to clear all joints/segments from the screen.

When Segment angular and Joint angular report types are chosen the angle of measurement is marked with an arc on the stick figure display. As an option, this angle may be complemented, a 360� minus the angle. For the joint type, this gives the choice between interior and exterior joint angles and for the segments type, this gives a choice between segment angles measured from opposite segment endpoints. The graphic display should be checked for the proper angle before the next joint/segment is selected.

When join/segment selection is complete, the Report Selection Table will display the total number of joints/segments for the report in the #J/S column. Report   The Report Selection Menu is selected to specify the coordinate axes to be included in for individual reports. If no report axes are selected a standard report will not be produced. "All" is used to select all of the coordinate axes (X, Y, Z and magnitude) for the selected report. "None" clears all coordinate axis selections for the report. This will result in no report being produced. Axis selections cannot be individually cleared. Selections appear in the Report Selection Table under the Report heading. For energy and momentum reports, the Report option selects the type of energy or momentum to report rather than a component axis. Summary   The Summary Selection Menu allows the selection of individual coordinate or viewing axes. For energy and momentum reports this option selects the type of energy or momentum to report. Each axis may be selected individually in addition to All or None. The selections will appear in the Report Selection Table under the Summary heading. A separate tabular report is produced for each motion parameter and each axis when the summary option is used.

12.3.2 Completed Report   The completed report will appear as a highlighted line in the Report Selection Table. If another report is desired, the process is simply repeated.

12.4 PRINT   The Print Options Menu is used to produce printed copies once all reports have been chosen. This option can also be used to view reports on the screen or save them to data files or other data processing programs.

12.4.1 Console   The Console option displays the currently selected reports on the monitor. The first screen will display the sequence, the date the sequence was filmed and the date that it is printed. Reports are then shown one screen at a time, starting with the title page. Column headings are maintained at the top of the display to identify each motion parameter.

Pageup and Pagedown keys may be used to advance or reverse a screen at a time to review the report. Alternately the up and down cursor keys may be used to advanced or reversed a line at a time. The F10-Skip key may be pressed to select the Skip Menu , which allows portions or all of the reports to be skipped.
bulletJoint/Table - skips the remaining output for the current body joint/segment or summary table and advances to the next item in the report. This option might be used to scan a report for a particular joint, segment, or summary value.
bulletReport - skips the remaining output for the current report type and advances to the next report. This option might be used to skip the balance of a report once a particular joint, segment, or summary value has been examined. Each regular report and each summary report are considered as separate report types.
bulletAll - skips the remaining output for this console print (all remaining report types) and returns to the Print Options Menu. This option might be used to skip the balance of the output once a particular report has been examined.
At the end of each report table, a Verification Menu asks if the next table should be displayed. Once the program advances to the next table, the previous table cannot be viewed again.

12.4.2 Printer   The Printer option sends the desired reports to the system printer. When this option is selected an additional menu will supply the opportunity to make sure the printer is ready and the paper is properly aligned. A "Ready" response begins actual printing. An "Abort" response will cancel and return to the Print Options Menu.

Printing may be suspended by pressing any key on the keyboard. If printing is suspended, the Skip Menu (Figure 12-8) is presented. Part or all of the selected reports may be skipped or printing may be resumed at the point it was suspended. When printing is complete, the screen will return to the Print Options Menu.

12.4 .3 File   The File option is selected to save the output on disk rather than printing. This option might be used to save files for later printing (printing large batch files after normal business hours), or if it is not known if a printout is needed. When this option is selected the program will ask for a file name in which to save the printout. Any name, up to eight characters in length with an optional extension of up to three characters, may be entered. If a file by that name already exists a warning screen will be displayed asking to replace the old file with the new one, or abort, retaining the old file and allowing a new name to be chosen.

It is recommended that names and extensions be used that will help in identifying the subject matter for the printout. For example, if the printout is from a sequence named RUNNER then a logical print file name might be RUNNER.PRT.

Print files are quite large and will consume valuable disk space to save copies of data values that are already saved in the sequence. It is a good idea to delete print files after they have been used or store them separately on floppies.
Do NOT use file names with the following extensions - .CF, .3D, OR .nT, where n is a number from 1 to 9. These file extensions are reserved for the analysis system.
Output to a file may be suspended and skipped in a similar manner to the Printing and Viewing options, through the use of the Skip Menu.

12.4.4 DIF   The Data Interchange Format (DIF) is used to transfer data to other systems, such as Lotus1-2-3TM and other popular software packages. When this option is selected the program will ask for a DIF file "root" name. This is a file name of up to six characters long with NO extension. The program will automatically add the last two characters of the file name (Table 12-1), along with the extension .DIF for each of the files it creates. One DIF file will be created for each type of report in the printout. Since there are four report types and four report summary types, up to eight DIF files could be created if all eight report types had been selected.

The space used for DIF file output is many times the space required for the sequence itself. Care should be taken in the use of DIF file output, as valuable disk space can be rapidly filled with this option.
12.4.5 WKS   The WKS (Lotus Worksheet) option copies selected reports to worksheet files. WKS files may be used to transfer print data to Lotus1-2-3TM, versions 1A or 2, or to SymphonyTM. When this option is selected the program will ask for a WKS file "root" name. This is a file name of up to six characters long with NO extension. The program will automatically add the last two characters of the file name (Table 12-1), along with the extension .WKS for each of the files it creates. One WKS file will be created for each type of report in the printout. Since there are four report types and four report summary types, up to eight WKS files could be created if all eight report types had been selected.

The space used for DIF file output is many times the space required for the sequence itself. Care should be taken in the use of DIF file output, as valuable disk space can be rapidly filled with this option.
12.4.6 Range   The Range option is selected to change the number of frames of data printed for each joint or segment. The number of frames to be printed is indicated at the top of the screen by the items "First frame" and "Last frame". Initially, all frames in the current sequence are selected by setting "First frame" to 1 and "Last frame" to the number of frames in this sequence. If only a portion of the data is needed, either the first and/or last frames may be reset. When Range is selected the program will ask for the new first and last frame values. Changes will be reflected in the frame numbers at the top of the screen and the program will return to the Print Options Screen.

12.5 NEW_SEQUENCE   The New_sequence option clears any current report selections and allows another analysis sequence to be chosen for printing. A menu of sequence names is presented and a name is selected in the same manner as for the initial sequence selection (Section 12.2). Report specification and printing may then be performed through the Report_type option (Section 12.3).

12.6 OPTIONS   Additional printing options may be selected through the Options command on the Printing Main Menu. The Options Menu allows viewing axis, stick figure, and color changes along with adding a header to the report.

12.6.1 R.H.axes   The R.H.axes option is used to reset the reference axes for angular measurements reported by the Printing Module. The current right horizontal axis definitions appear at the top of the screen. Angles are measured in a plane of projection as viewed from one of the three major coordinate axes, X, Y and Z. The right horizontal axis is used as the reference axis for angular displacement measurements for segment angular and joint directional reports. For other report types, as well as, for angular velocities and accelerations, the right horizontal axis selection has no effect on the result values. Axis directions are determined by the standard "right-hand rule" which states that if the position Z axis points out of the display screen, then the positive X axis points right and the positive Y axis points up.

If angular data values for any sequence are better represented using different right horizontal axis selections, these may be changed using the R.H.axes option.
bulletX-view - specifies the right horizontal axis for angular displacement measurements in the Y-Z plane (the plane viewed along the X axis). The right horizontal axis may be set to the positive or negative Y or Z axis directions. To select a negative right horizontal axis "Negative" must first be selected. The default right horizontal axis direction from the X view is the -Z axis.
bulletY-view - specifies the right horizontal axis for angular displacement measurements in the X-Z plane (the plane viewed along the Y axis). The right horizontal axis may be set to the positive or negative X or Z axis directions. To select a negative right horizontal axis "Negative" must first be selected. The default right horizontal axis direction from the Y view is the X axis.
bulletZ-view - specifies the right horizontal axis for angular displacement measurements in the X-Y plane (the plane viewed along the Z axis). The right horizontal axis may be set to the positive or negative X or Y axis directions. To select a negative right horizontal axis "Negative" must first be selected. The default right horizontal axis direction from the Z view is the X axis.
12.5.2 Header   The Header option is selected to enter an optional header line to be printed on the first page (title page) of the printed output. Header lines may be used for any purpose that is desired, including identification of subject, site or location, clinician or person performing the analysis, or even company identification in commercial applications. After the text is typed and ENTER pressed the header line will appear in the top portion of the screen after it has been entered and may be changed as often as needed by simply selecting the Header option again.

12.5.3 Stick-Figure   The Stick_figure option allows the orientation or frame number of the stick figure on the graphic display to be changed. The figure is normally displayed from the Z viewing axis for the middle frame in the sequence. Optionally the X or Y viewing axes and any other frame in the sequence may be selected. Different orientations and frames may be helpful in viewing certain portions of the activity being studied and thereby aid in the selection of the proper segment and joint values for printing. This is especially true when angular quantities are being reported, as the angle may not be clearly visible from some orientations. Frame   Frame is selected to change the frame number used for the stick figure display. By default the middle frame of the sequence is used, however the display may be reset by typing the frame number desired then pressing ENTER. The F1-Forward and F2-reverse keys may be used to step through the sequence a frame at a time, rather than entering a frame number. The F10-Done key is pressed once the desired frame is displayed. View   View is selected to change the viewing axis for the stick figure display. By default the Z viewing axis is used, however for some activities the stick figure can be more easily seen from another axis. When this option is selected a menu of viewing axes will be presented so another axis may be chosen for viewing. The display will be re-drawn with the new viewing direction and then return to the stick figure options menu.
bulletX-view - is selected to display the stick figure from the X viewing axis (the Y-Z plane).
bulletY-view - is selected to display the stick figure from the Y viewing axis (the X-Z plane).
bulletZ-view - is selected to display the stick figure from the Z viewing axis (the X-Y plane).
This option is especially useful when resetting the right horizontal measurement axis from a particular viewing axis direction. By displaying the stick figure from that viewing axis it can be more easily decided the best right horizontal axis selection should be.

12.5.4 Color   The Color option is used to change the color on one or more of the items on the graphic display.
bulletBackground - is selected to change the color of the graphic display background. Any item whose color is changed to the same color as the background will disappear.
bulletLogo - is used to change the color of the text line (logo) at the top of the graphic display.
bulletFigure - changes the color of the stick figure image on the graphic display.
bulletSelected-list - changes the color of the list of joint or segment selections on the graphic display. This color is also used to mark joints and segments on the stick figure so should be of a different color than the one chosen for figure.
When an item has been selected a menu of sixteen available colors will be presented, with the current color shown in the upper right corner of the menu box.

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