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Advantages - Advantages of the Ariel Exercise System

Here are a few reasons why...

bulletComputerized monitoring and controlling of velocity or resistance during the exercise at the rate of 16,000 times per second allows for unprecedented accuracy.
bulletProgrammable variable resistance to 1000 lbs. in each direction.
bulletProgrammable variable velocity to over 1000 degrees per second in each direction.
bulletSystem can be set up to proceed automatically to each exercise, thereby eliminating the need for manual adjustment and direct supervision.
bulletSystem can be programmed for individual users to alternate exercise sets to allow for group workouts.
bulletComputerized diagnostics and testing program for range of motion, velocity, strength, peak force, peak hold, delay time and fatigue.
bulletData storage of performance and progress can chart and save each individual�s exercise and diagnostic history for immediate recall.
bulletComparison data is displayed visually on the color monitor and prints color graphs, charts and tabloid comparison reports of previous exercises and compares them with current performances and or optimal performances, training and rehabilitation goals.
bulletPerformance profile provides an instant display of average pounds of each repetition lifted, the maximum of each repetition, the average of both up and down strokes and the entire set and the total pounds lifted.
bulletForce curves illustrate the force and power lifted in relation to time and the position of the bar during the range of motion and the pace of lifting.
bulletCalculates and reports caloric expenditures and foot pounds of work.

Comparison data is displayed on the screen, printed in color
graphics and tabloid format.

bulletPresent Performance Vs Previous Performance
bulletPre-injury performance Vs Post Injury Performance
bulletRight Limb Vs Left Limb
bulletExtensors Vs Flexors
bulletForce � Power � Speed Vs Any Comparison Combination

In addition to the above exercise results, the following data can
be displayed:

bulletEndurance by repetition
bulletEndurance by time
bulletWave form analysis
bulletFatigue curve

Provides objective, not subjective, data supporting discharge
and rehabilitation planning.

bulletProgrammable pyramiding of resistance or speed in each direction.
bulletProgrammable range of motion in each direction.
Velocity or resistance can be independently controlled in each direction of each repetition.
bulletFast set up for patient testing or training can be accomplished in a matter of seconds.
bulletEndurance programs can automatically reduce resistance with each repetition to accommodate the users level of fatigue.

More information

ACESIntroducing the Ariel Exercise System
ACES ArchivesACES Archives - Support and manuals for previous versions
ACES DocsACES Manuals and documentation
ACES ManualACES for Windows manual
AdvantagesAdvantages of the Ariel Exercise System
DescriptionDescription of the Ariel Exercise System
Exercise MachinesGideon B. Ariel, Ph.D. - Publications related to exercise equipment
ExercisesExercising on the Ariel Exercise System
FeaturesFeatures of the Ariel Exercise System
HistoryHistory in progress - please come back soon!!
More infoMore CES information
OpinionsACES - What do experts in the field think about it?
OptimizationOptimization of Human Performance for All Ages
PatentsGideon B. Ariel, Ph.D. - Patents and inventions
PresentationsGideon B. Ariel, Ph.D. - Selected presentations
Price ListPrices and options
Price ListPrices and options
TrainingTraining on the Ariel Exercise System

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